Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Bizarre Mind-Control Atrocity Exposed, Part 4

OK, I just got done watching "Body Heat" again, and I have a lot more to add.

Matty Walker had a gazebo in her back yard, just as my family did when I was growing up in Niles, Michigan. That gazebo is forever embedded in my memory because I kissed a girl for the first time in that gazebo when I was 12 years old. It was her idea that we go there to do it, and I believe it was so I would remember it well and they could use the gazebo concept later on. "Body Heat" presented the perfect opportunity.

There's a scene in the gazebo where Matty introduces Ned to her friend from Wheaton High School, Mary Ann Simpson. "Mary Ann is like a sister to me," Matty says. Well, it just so happens that I have a sister named Mary Ann, too, and she's the one who started calling me "Matty" after the movie was released in 1981.

There are a couple of gang-stalking references in the film. In one, Ned has just finished visiting with a client in the local jail, and as he is leaving, the jail door slams behind him so loudly that you can see he is visibly startled. That's a classic noise-campaign strategy. As far as adding it to the movie, it really had no relevance to the plot, so I believe it was added for my benefit as another bit of foreshadowing what was going to happen to me. I discuss foreshadowing in more detail in this post:

Examples of Foreshadowing in My Life

Another gang-stalking reference happens in the restaurant, where Ned is walking in just as Matty and her husband are walking out. Ned and Matty practically bump into each other. As anyone who has been a victim of gang stalking knows, that is a common tactic used to unnerve the targeted individual.

In the scene at the law firm where they discuss the will, there are some Oriental wall hangings in the conference room. You can see them clearly in one shot in which the camera pans from the wall to the people sitting at the table. Soon after the film was released, my wife purchased an Oriental wall hanging for our house that was similar, if not identical, to one of the wall hangings in the film.

Later, Ned's friends, Lowenstein, the prosecutor, and Oscar, the police detective, pay Ned a visit at his apartment in an attempt to warn him away from Matty. This is after Matty's husband has been killed, and they express doubts that he was killed by his business partners.

"A very rough group of fellows," Oscar says. "It's possible they wanted to cut old Edmund out, but it's just not their style."

"They'd rather destroy ya than kill ya, and they hate publicity," Lowenstein adds.

That pretty well sums up the Illuminati/Masonic approach to revenge, as I found out years later. Obviously, they could have killed me at any time, but they wanted me to die a slow death for maximum torture effect.

According to James Shelby Downard, author of the article about Masonic involvement in the JFK assassination, Masons don't believe in killing people in just any old way. They went to a great deal of effort to make sure their fingerprints were all over the assassination and easily identifiable by those who knew what to look for.

As far as the movie is concerned, I believe the crux of the matter, at least as far as the lesson the controllers wanted me to learn, is the question of morality. Toward the end of the film, as Oscar and Lowenstein are closing in on Ned, Lowenstein tells Ned that as far as he's concerned, Edmund Walker was a bad guy, and he doesn't care who killed him or who got rich because of it.

"But Oscar's not like that," he says. "His whole life is based on doing the right thing. He's the only person I know like that, and sometimes it's a real pain, even for him."

In my opinion, that was a reference to me. What they were trying to show me in this film is that it doesn't pay to be good. The world is run by people who are willing to be evil to accomplish what they want. And that sums up the attitude of the Illuminati and the Masons.

Ned Racine learned that lesson the hard way, and at the end of the film, we realize that when he says, "Matty was the kind of person who could do what was necessary." That was also the rule by which Edmund Walker lived and died. He got rich by screwing other people over, but he met his match in Matty Walker.

What this film was trying to say to me was that my life was going to be destroyed because I chose the path of good over evil, especially in taking on the fight for truth about the JFK assassination.

I say that because there is also a reference to political assassinations in the film, in that one of the characters -- the prosecutor -- is named Peter Lowenstein. The year before the film was released, former New York congressman and political activist Allard Lowenstein was killed because, among other reasons, he was pushing for the truth about the assassination of Bobby Kennedy.

It was portrayed in the news media as another "lone nut" assassination, but it had the CIA's fingerprints all over it, just like the JFK and RFK assassinations.

Read Part 5 here: